At some point, I knew I was going to have to do it.
Why? Nostalgia I guess, Respect that he actually made it to The Dragon, A little tongue in cheek poke so we don't take ourselves to seriously, and for just the sheer fun of it.
This months winner needs no introduction to the old timers here, and I will leave it to them to introduce and explain the history behind this selection to any of the newer members.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, June 2024's BOTM, The Mighty "Ye Old Magnawing"
Congratulations Kerry (kdf9511} where ever you are, Your V45 Magna with the Ultra Rare Windjammer Fairing is June 2024's BOTM.
A link
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A good choice and congratulations to the winner. It is well deserved and more than that.
Great choice, Michael!! Congratulations, Kerry! Yes, the bike that will not lean! Anybody here save the killboy pictures of Kerry on 129? I have never seen a more upright bike.
Quote from: TarHeelV4Rider on June 02, 2024, 11:53:29 AMGreat choice, Michael!! Congratulations, Kerry! Yes, the bike that will not lean! Anybody here save the killboy pictures of Kerry on 129? I have never seen a more upright bike.
He was passed on the Dragon by a car !!
As FoimMaine mentioned, is there anybody who would care to give a little more background information on this bike and its owner? I kind of remember some discussion about this bike with a rare fairing way back. I have been on here since 2015, but in the beginning only to get information and answers to problems with my Super Magna. So I cannot say I am a real oldtimer on the board.
forgot about that one he was a ok dude
Unique for sure, only one I have ever seen with a Windjammer!!
Yea, I guess it had to happen eventually. Kerry really loved this bike. I hope he's still cruising along with it. Good choice Michael.
Wait a minute, is that picture in the mountains? I bet he was a real canyon carver on that machine! :-)